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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

LeBron James: The Decision Part 2

When LeBron James made "The Decision" on July 8th, 2010, the basketball community collectively held their breath as "The King" announced where he would be taking his talents. As he so famously stated, "...I'm going to take my talents to South Beach..." and the rest is history. After the fact, LeBron admitted that the way he handled the situation may have been a mistake.

He said, "If I could look back on it I would probably change a lot of it," said James. "The fact of having a whole TV special, and people getting the opportunity to watch me make a decision on where I wanted to play, I probably would change that. Because I can now look and see if the shoe was on the other foot and I was a fan, and I was very passionate about one player, and he decided to leave, I would be upset too about the way he handled it."

The way he handled the situation created a deep hatred of LeBron by Cleveland fans, players, coaches, and owners. Unknowingly to them, he would make amends to this mistake 4 years later with his "Decision Part 2," a much less publicized version than the first one. But now that he is back in Cleveland and made his decision, it is time to take a look at if this was the right decision. 

At the end of the day, right or wrong, it doesn't really matter. Whatever decision LeBron made was his decision. And it sounds like, according to the people closest to LeBron, going home to Cleveland was something he needed to do. 

On ESPN's Real Talk with Jason Whitlock, LeBron's business partner Maverick Carter explained how LeBron made his decision on his own. 

“LeBron’s a 29-year-old man with lots of money, got a wife, two kids, one on the way. He makes his own decisions. “He doesn’t need anyone pushing him any way, and a guy like that, you’re not going to push him either way.”

Regardless of how or why LeBron made the decision to return to Cleveland, he did it, and will be
playing in a Cleveland Cavaliers' jersey once again. The biggest question you can ask now is whether or not LeBron can bring an NBA title to Cleveland this time around. Only time will tell.

B. Howell
Twitter: @TheLeBronReport


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