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Monday, July 21, 2014

LeBron James: 6 or 23?

Welcome, readers, to my inaugural blog post. First I would like to thank you all for taking to time to read my first post, and second I would like to ask that if you like what you see, you please kindly share my blog with anyone who you think would enjoy it. Now let's get to the important stuff. LeBron.

LeBron James recently posted a photo on Instagram of him in a Cleveland number 6 jersey, next to him in a Cavs number 23 jersey. The photo can be found below.


This is turning into a big decision for LeBron, and while it is incredibly insignificant to basketball itself, the fans are really voicing their opinions on it. Obviously the biggest thing being brought up is that 23 was Michael Jordan's number, the player LeBron James is constantly being compared to. One thing being brought up is a 2009 interview with LeBron James while he was still with the Cavs. Ironically enough, in a game where the Cavs beat the Heat 111-104 behind James' 34 points in Miami, he announced he would be switching his number from 23 to 6 after the season. "I just think that what Michael Jordan has done for the game has to be recognized some way soon," LeBron said, who himself has worn the number 23 on his jersey since his sophomore year in high school. "There would be no LeBron James, no Kobe Bryant, no Dwyane Wade if there wasn't Michael Jordan first."

"I feel like no NBA player should wear 23. I'm starting a petition, and I've got to get eveyone in the NBA to sign it. Now, if I'm not going to wear No. 23, then nobody else should be able to wear it."

Now, it appears, he may be considering changing his mind. I am here today to tell him not to. Number 23 is Michael Jordan's number. No matter what LeBron does, Jordan wore it first, and it will always be associated with him. LeBron is the best player in the world right now, and only time will tell if he will one day be considered the best player of all time. He deserves his own number, not one solely associated with the player who many consider right now to be the greatest to ever play basketball.

The number 6 that LeBron wore in Miami has become his number. When LeBron announced he was coming home, one the internet filled with business owner designing a shirt that say, "FOR6IVEN" on them. They have been hugely popular, with phrases underneath the FOR6IVEN such as "The Kingdom Restored" or "The King Returns". These shirts have become so popular in part because of the automatic recognition of the number 6 and its association to LeBron James. It has become HIS number during his time in Miami.

Going back to number 23 would be a mistake for LeBron. He needs to continue engraving his legacy in the history of the NBA, and he deserves a number no one of his caliber has ever worn before him. He can make the number 6 his own. Making 23 his own just does not seem possible. I'm not saying that the number 23 should be retired at all. In the MLB, the only retired number is 42, for Jackie Robinson, which he deserved for breaking the color barrier. I am not so sure being a great player alone is grounds for retiring your number league-wide.

LeBron, make the smart decision. Wear number 6.

B. Howell
Twitter: @TheLeBronReport

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